Sunday, November 16, 2008


We were watching Family Guy and my boyfriend couldn't stop laughing when Peter started singing Surfing Bird (The Bird is the Word!) and until you've seen it, you won't appreciate how annoying Peter was being. Annoying but also stupidly hilarious.

I have been with my boyfriend for 16 months now. That's 13 months more than I thought we were going to last. Somehow, I'm still behaving. A year ago, I would've stopped watching right when Peter started singing. Listening to that stupid song must've killed a lot of my brain cells.

An hour later in the kitchen, my boyfriend said 'Haven't you heard?' and I completely fell for it and asked, 'Have I heard what?' and he started singing the song.

In a way it's like I've gone back to being kiddish. But I'd like to think I've actually grown up a bit =)