Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am one of those people who like to step over lines on the floor with my right foot. It somehow feels right when I do it especially in mornings when I set foot at the hospital front entrance. It's not OCD because if I miss it, I don't go back and try it again.

The problem with that is you need to time your walking so that you set your left foot very near the lines and cross them with your right. Often, you end up either having to take a giant step, or you shuffle Parkinsonian-like to make it right. After years and years, you don't even realize doing it.

(This is totally rubbish).

One of the hospital staff saw me shuffling this morning and he gave me a look.

I swear other people do more annoying things in the hallways. For example, talking loudly on the mobile (oh I so want to shove their mobiles down their throats!! Clearly I'm not a morning person).

Ah well.