Sunday, November 08, 2009


My younger brother couldn't be more different than my older brother. He has been with the same girl since he was 14 (they're very unfortunately broken up now but like one of those couples who are meant to be together, I don't think they're quite finished with each other yet; hence I'm still talking about them in the present tense). We joked that if we were going to do things the traditional way - i.e. older siblings marry first before the younger ones do - that we would never get married.

My older brother and the altar are two negative forces - forever repelling each other. No girl will ever manage to drag my brother to the altar. Not unless it is the perfect girl we're talking about.

The one. The soulmate. Or whatever shit you kids are calling it nowadays.

Now, before the hate starts, my older brother is not your standard commitment-phobic immature man-child. He is one hell of a decent guy. He knows exactly who he's meant to be with. Unfortunately, he still hasn't found her.

Me: You're just being picky.
Him: I am not being picky.
Him: I know there are girls out there who I can simply marry but..
Him: I have to find the one, you know.

Not strangely enough, I of course didn't know what he was talking about.

For years I have listened to my girl friends how they're trying to find love, I have never really appreciated how difficult it could be for the men.

But no, I will not go to the whole who's more difficult to find love; men or women blahblahblah. I have to get up early for work tomorrow.


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