The other day we were watching R. Kelly's hip-hopera or something like that called 'Trapped in the Closet'. Yea, I'm a bit slow. Apparently this thing has been going on for quite some years. Anyway we got to Chapter 12 or 13 thereabout (that thing gets old very quickly) and then my friend and I started talking about cheating on gf/bf. Him being more of a decent person than I am said he wouldn't do it because it's stupid and he wouldn't risk what he has with his gf.
Well, kalau tak adventurous tu, cakap je la. Okay fine, I completely agree anyway. But it can be quite a challenge and let's face it, you've got to have balls to cheat on someone. Either that or you're just a complete bitch.
From there, we got to this episode of South Park where they take the mickey out of Scientology and Tom Cruise ("Mom! Tom Cruise won't come out of my closet!").
OMG, I can't wait for the new term to start. Between these and the Jeremy Kyle Show, I'm driving myself up the wall. Fourth year!! Come on, it's not like summer is going to come back anyway. But oh I've finished The Catcher in the Rye. Ha, if you think I'm bitching, read the fucking book. I actually went online and read the SparkNotes for this novel. How nerdy is that? I remember all those years in Langkawi and Banting unwillingly interpreting novels. Wait, I can block this out..
So yea, I kinda like the novel although it annoys me that Holden Caulfield is just a boy who doesn't want to grow up. But did you know that John Lennon's murderer was obsessed with this novel? Hmm.
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