Thursday, February 05, 2009


There's a thing going among medical students when it comes to comparing who's in a worse situation in terms of firm. Horrible consultants, arrogant SHOs, incompetent F1s, far out location, bad accommodation and I should not list more.

It will go something like this:
A: My consultant likes to keep track of me. He wants me to come in every day. Can you imagine having this kind of shit 4 weeks before finals?
B: My consultant wants me to present a case during every ward round. He grills me on the differentials and management right in front of the whole team and the patients!
C: Urgh, my consultant wants me to come to every clinic and theatre. We're oncall this week, they gave me a bleep so now I have to be oncall every fucking day.
D: My consultant puts a leash round my neck so I can't eat, pee or poo without him knowing; let alone get away from the firm.

Or something to that extent. But my point is, there's a lot tragedies going around you gotta shed a few tears for these sorry souls.

I'm being sarcastic, of course.

This is a game I can never seem to win. No matter how horrible a day I'm having, someone out there is getting his ass kicked harder than mine. Boy, there must be a massive load of horrible doctors out there that lawyers are getting kicked out of hell to make room for them.

It doesn't help that finals is coming up, so more people are trying to say they're having really tough time to do revision. Shushh don't say the word st**ss unless you want to see a sleep-deprived caffeine-fuelled medical student turn red and blow up in your face. (I'm exaggerating of course - they can't turn red because they're so anaemic from not eating enough)

I think it's kind of natural that medical students dramatize their dull, dull life. Television is after all full of medical dramas; it's been deeply ingrained that medical profession is full of dramas. So maybe for some, they think they're in a medical school therefore their life must be full of tiny little dramas. Television made us interesting; unlike say... actuaries. I don't see no dramas about them!

What? I think that's funny *laugh*

We are all flawed in some ways.

Anyway, I don't (want to) play the game anymore. You don't want the bleep? Let your dog have it for breakfast.


Blogger SHiKiN said...

i know what u mean...nowadays I can't complain without having someone else trumping my story with a more 'exciting' one. *sigh*

ape2 pon, good luck with your finals! and jgn explode to anyone tau..haha

about actuaries...who in their right mind would want to watch a TV show about them? haha *peace adam*

Friday, February 06, 2009 9:31:00 pm  
Blogger rizwan said...

cis.. the last post xleh pulak comment..

Girl: Hey, wake up. Enough nap.
Boy: *groggy* Will you marry me?
Girl: *smacks him* Did you just propose to me?!
Boy: Huh, what did I say?
Girl: You said will you marry me?
Boy: No, I didn't.
Girl: Urgh, go back to sleep.

true story?
i mean, YOUR true story? ;p

Saturday, February 07, 2009 7:50:00 am  
Blogger ai said...

thanks, shikin. good luck with yours as well. btw, u cant mock ur husband's profession. hes probably gonna make more money than u hahah

yes, rizwan that's a true story. MY true story. but marriage is about the last thing on my mind. me no likey boys :$

Saturday, February 07, 2009 9:00:00 am  
Blogger SHiKiN said...

hahaha. tipu laaa u no likey boys. i saw ur face ari tu when u talked about marriage n stuff. senyum lebar giler. haha. so ape conclusion from the 'proposal'? haha. if ape2 jadi, lemme know k ;)

Saturday, February 07, 2009 11:43:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Saturday, February 07, 2009 4:09:00 pm  

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