Friday, February 16, 2007


I heard counting to 10 to control your anger (in my case, rage) kinda works. I'm keen to try it. Hmm...

Off the top of my head, I can't stand people who don't write properly. Wat is up wif writin' lyke dis?!? I mean, if you're texting someone, it's forgivable, but other than that, what is the point?? 'What' has only one extra letter than 'wat'. And 'lyke' has 4 just like 'like'. Mother of God, why do you have to replace the letter 'i'?!? It... Argh!

1... 2... 3... 4... Fuck it!

Do you think it makes you look cool? Hell, no! At the very least, it makes you look like you're trying to look cool. And that's sad. Especially if you're already in your 20s.

So sad that I would cry for you.

But I'm incapable of crying. So there.



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