Aww, just when I was about to declare my newfound admiration for Paris and that money and power can get you away with loads of things, and she had to be sent back to prison. So close, you silly girl. I hate myself a bit for this, but I do love her for thinking she's above the laws.
I mean, the other option for that is becoming a mafia. And I so wasn't born with the right looks for mafia. Or was I? Hmm..
The other day I saw my first cardiac arrest. Diam la kalau you guys dah tgk lagi banyak. It was my first and it was so exciting. They worked really hard on her but she couldn't be revived anyway. I don't think I'll ever forget her face and how lifeless she looked. I felt so sorry for her, and even more for her sobbing mother who kept thanking the doctors for trying. C'mon lady, your young daughter just died, it was all about you.
But she was being so brave and ridiculously considerate.
I honestly felt sorry for her. But by the time I returned to hall I was already smiling because it was the best evening ever. I even got to see a man who was having hypoxic episodes and turned unbelievably deep purple from time to time. He even collapsed twice and that was really cool!
Sigh. I do believe this place is killing my soul.