Wednesday, April 08, 2009


I'm leaving for India this weekend for a 6 week electives. I've bought plenty of dioralyte and loperamide and some magical insect repellants; Dennis and I have a competition going on to see who is going to get diarrhoea first and who will get shortchanged more. The winner will of course automatically be the loser. T_T Sometimes you wish you hadn't read all the horrible stories on the net and you pray things won't be as bad when you get there.

I feel a bit wrong to be rather judgmental. I am from a third world country and I don't exactly pile on dioralyte and loperamide before going home. But this is unknown territory, I'm going to be good and be prepared instead. As prepared as possible; I can't really make myself look like a local (don't fancy a reverse Michael Jackson) and am after all too old to learn the language now.

Nah, more like after the exam, my brains... slow. Tak jalan.

Possibly no internet for the next 7 weeks, no phone connection, no TV or iPlayer, no Wii, no Guitar Hero, no iPhone games, no manga, no Starbucks, no Undergrounds. Hm. Like going back to my childhood except if I throw a tantrum now I'll probably end up in a mental health institution.

Not that I ever really did throw tantrums. With 5 brothers and sister, I could never get a turn and it never really worked with my parents.

So yes, 7 weeks in India. Nothing but to grow up/old and loads of sight-seeing (hopefully) and revision.

Oh my God.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


What time is it now?

It's time to be professional.

Really? I've got 23:20 on the dot.

So, the GP was being nice and chatted with us about the years we have ahead of us, provided we finish final year and get on to foundation programme. It is time to grow up and act professional. No more drunken photos on Facebook, no immature posts on blogs, no bongs especially if thinking of becoming an athlete in the future *roll eyes*, no prostitutes and especially no voting for Labour.

Yes, apparently patients tend to google and Facebook their doctors nowadays.

So I suppose the thing I need to put on my to-do list is: be saintly.

It will remain unchecked for so fucking long then.

I will not shut down this blog due to some very immature and non-professional contents. I don't love this blog but I like it enough. I work my ass off just like all my friends but the expectations are increasingly running high. Countless time I feel like I'm at my breaking point, but I have to go on...