Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have just finished 2 weeks of GP which went fine. I have to admit I didn't want to burn this one down. I had a good time. The majority of medical students will become GPs in the future which is why year after year, they make us do GP attachment. No use crying over it.

A few of them kept drumming into me why GP is good. The money is good, the hours even better, and the training more organized; yeah I get it.

Part of the assessment is to see a few patients while being supervised by the GPs. I ended up diagnosing everyone with a viral infection (haha) which I thought was borderline irresponsible. Sore throat? Viral. Cough? Viral. Ear pain? Viral.

What can I say? I love my viruses.


Is Gantz really writing its final mission? After so many years of following Gantz, this could be it. I kinda want it to end even though I know I'm going to miss it. Let's hope it's one hell of a final mission.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm old =)

I'm loving this lol.

Friday, January 02, 2009


I have finally met Dennis' family (apart from his father who's in HK). I was getting so good at avoiding them but last Christmas he bought the tickets before I could come up with an excuse or down with an illness. Once I even used PMS as an excuse because I knew there was no way in hell he would want me around his family when I'm all bitchy and moody.

That was a lie. I'm immuned to PMS. That's my superpower.

Anyway, when I came back of course my friends wanted to know how it went. So I said I didn't crack, I didn't throw tantrums, I didn't beg to be taken home blabla but I actually love his family. His brother is very entertaining and his mother is very motherly. I now know the secret to good relationship with your boyfriend's mother.

Pick a boyfriend whose mother doesn't speak a lot of English. Hahah.

Yes, I'm lucky in that way. Not once I was put on the spot because most of the questions were directed to Dennis including the scary ones eg how serious are we. Unfortunately we forgot our Magic 8 ball so we couldn't decide what to say.

To make it all the more fun for Dennis, I didn't warn him I was going to take his mother's side all the time. It was like an unspoken competition between Dennis and me to see who was going to be more glad to come back to London. Oh what fun time.

I'm proud to have survived it but Chinese New Year is in 4 weeks.. so umm..

Thursday, January 01, 2009


It's 2009! I can't wait to see what this year is going to bring =)

Happy New Year!