Saturday, December 15, 2007


A few days ago, I fell in love.

With a 50-week-old boy. The moment he saw me, he smiled and gurgled. Then he struggled down from his father's lap and walked towards me (with aid, of course). While his parents gave the history, he sat on my lap and clapped from time to time.

We moved pretty fast. After only 10 minutes, I got him stripped off (I'm such a whore :P) and examined him. Too bad for my baby he had eczema and nappy rash :'( and testes the size of peas :) Can you say adorable?

Doing ENT examination on a baby is difficult, duh. Especially with the tongue depressor. The easiest way to get him to open his mouth is to let him copy you. You go 'say ahhh' and open your mouth like a fish and you feel stupid. But eventually the kid will copy you. My boy did but as soon as I put the tongue depressor in, he bit down and gurgled. Then he smiled.

Like ha ha got you.

Damn semua orang gelak. Kalah kat budak yang baru ade 6 gigi :(

But I think he was just showing that he loves me too. Amal said it's very unnatural of me to show an affection for kids. I used to be the girl who would eat little boys and girls, rather than fall in love with them. Damnit, my ovaries are not over-stimulated.
