Sunday, March 07, 2010


I finished playing Heavy Rain the day it came out. That says a lot because I am not a gamer and the last games I played were Professor Layton and Scribblenauts (yea, children's games whatever). Heavy Rain is not a great game in the typical sense but it's incredibly fresh and original. The ending sucks, whoops I let out a secret, but this is going to be the first of many similarly compelling games to follow.

The theme of the game is "how far you are willing to go to save the the life of somone you love" - yes, it's been done to death but put it next to all the GTAs, the FFs, and the batman and vampire games, it's wonderfully different. They set you up for plenty of moral choices (some of which I failed miserably) and that's what I love about the game.

Choices. So many decisions to make. In such short time.