So there I was at the ATM, staring at the numbers on the screen: 28.59 left in my current account. And 4 days to go before my allowance comes in.
I stood there not really knowing how much to draw when a man stepped up to the other ATM. He was on the phone and was talking rather loudly.
And he said to the person on the other end of the phone, "You know who you gotta stay with, man? You have to stay with your first wife, *muffled* back when you didn't have money at all."
Presumably that man is trying to choose between at least 2 women and his first wife was there for him back when he didn't have money. I tried to stop myself but my cynical self was far too quick: wow, so there is a man capable of being decent.
The first wife must have loved him not only for who he was then but also for who he could turn out to be. Shit must have happened somewhere along the way but maybe with a friend like that, he could go back to her.
I don't even know if I have a solid point here.
The average student will spend 7-10 years to repay their student loan. Some unlucky bastards may have up to 1 million ringgit in debt; some may not even need to fork out a single penny. But we all will owe money some day which we have to pay back.
Here's to all students out there who are tired of never having enough money and are wishing to earn some soon.
"Hey remember back when you didn't have money but I stayed with you anyway? I did it because I loved you."
That doesn't sound romantic at all no matter how you say it; but it's not a bad thing at all.
Admittedly it's easier to love a poor student now because he could turn out to be a consultant surgeon with a 150K paycheck some years later. But still...
I stood there not really knowing how much to draw when a man stepped up to the other ATM. He was on the phone and was talking rather loudly.
And he said to the person on the other end of the phone, "You know who you gotta stay with, man? You have to stay with your first wife, *muffled* back when you didn't have money at all."
Presumably that man is trying to choose between at least 2 women and his first wife was there for him back when he didn't have money. I tried to stop myself but my cynical self was far too quick: wow, so there is a man capable of being decent.
The first wife must have loved him not only for who he was then but also for who he could turn out to be. Shit must have happened somewhere along the way but maybe with a friend like that, he could go back to her.
I don't even know if I have a solid point here.
The average student will spend 7-10 years to repay their student loan. Some unlucky bastards may have up to 1 million ringgit in debt; some may not even need to fork out a single penny. But we all will owe money some day which we have to pay back.
Here's to all students out there who are tired of never having enough money and are wishing to earn some soon.
"Hey remember back when you didn't have money but I stayed with you anyway? I did it because I loved you."
That doesn't sound romantic at all no matter how you say it; but it's not a bad thing at all.
Admittedly it's easier to love a poor student now because he could turn out to be a consultant surgeon with a 150K paycheck some years later. But still...