Sunday, March 18, 2007


This man knew he stood out from the crowd. The moment he stepped out of the tube station, he could feel their eyes on him, following his movement, squinting to see what was all over his jacket. I had no idea what was on his jacket but my bet would be vomitus (nasty!). Knowing the staring would be unavoidable, the man decided he could quickly walk away and escape. But there was no such luck. For Londoners to stop and stare, you must be quite a freak show.

Utterly frustrated, the man held his head up and yelled, "Don't judge me! Love me!!"

Hah, that put a grin on my face. You've got to love the guy for trying. That being said, I'm leaving London today, and not to a better place. But nonetheless, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Eh scratch that, a medical student would be more appropriate.

I just don't like leaving my comfort zone. So, no I'm not asking you to love me, but if you could just pick up the phone and make sure I'm not dying out there. This is truly pathetic, I know. But a prison isn't necessarily bars of metal and feet of concrete surrounding you.

Sometimes, it's a prison because you can't afford the train tickets to get the hell out of there.

It's always kemiskinan that cramps your style. Come on Easter break!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I'm feeling very old lately.

First there was that incident with my watch back in December. I couldn't get it to set right so I had to go back to Swatch and the lady took one glance, pressed one of the many buttons and set it right. "You have to read the instructions," she said. I thought to myself: Funny, that happened to my parents before.

Ever since then I've been raging a war with those boys playing loud music outside my window. The murderous screaming and the cursing were mostly in my head, but hey I'm doing it with passion nonetheless.

I've deleted every invitation to join Facebook. Yes, because I feel too old for that sort of thing anymore. Let the young people have their fun, I can go bake a pie or knit a sweater. Not that I do, but I feel like I can do them (shut up, I do know how to bake; it's not like I've set fire to your kitchen or something).

Sometimes I go to sleep at 10 because there's nothing better to do. Sometimes, I don't go out because I can't stand the cold. And most importantly, I started giving out grandma advice. "Pegi la kelas. Tak baik ponteng." Or "Aw, let's try not to be so cynical." Oy, put me into an old folks' home already.

Ah change of topic. I (accidentally) read that a new actor is joining the cast of Grey's Anatomy. Oh my God. If they come up with McHot, or McHunky or McSexy, I.... I may have to kill someone.

I feel like I should warn my flatmates.

On the other hand,
I'm thinking of becoming an Apple convert =) Just have to figure out who I can blackmail to get some money.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Once upon a time, I was on the bus going to the hospital, quietly enjoying my morning paper. The sun was out, the sky looked cheerful albeit the winds were kinda having too much fun as well. The bus was half empty yet there was this lady standing next to where I was sitting. Why this lady wouldn't sit down was beyond me. There was no sign of danger approaching at all. All was calm... but then the bus swerved and the big old fat lady fell on me!

You never appreciate the danger of obesity until someone fat fell on you.

She knocked the wind right out of me and I actually slid halfway out of my seat. While I was checking if any of my internal organs had ruptured (honestly I did!), she laughed embarrassedly and apologized profusely. Then she scuttled away to sit far away from me. Baru nak duduk tau! Before that, habis berlagak gymnastic la boleh balance yourself on a moving bus.

Dear God, why do things like this happen to me?? Why? Why? *Dramatic*. Eh what a way to start a day.

Monday, March 12, 2007


H2 is one of my favorite manga, and they have just finished the scanlations! Fantastic ending albeit too much baseball. I love Adachi's work, I cannot emphasize on this more. Totally bitchin'! Rough is my favorite, followed by H2, Katsu and Hiatari. Jinbe is plain disturbing.

Enough with manga.

So I discovered iPod nano is really small. Man, those people really mean business. Yes, size does matter especially when it comes to certain things, and it matters more to men. Men brag about big cars, bigger houses and big fat wallets. And some other things best not mentioned. But when it comes to electronics, the smaller the better. Yes, especially with the Japanese.

Have you seen the new iPod Shuffle? Seriously, people have had kidney stones bigger than that. C'mon, I can't handle things like that on account of my trouble keeping track of my stuffs. With iPod nano, my friend once told me about someone who put his iPod nano in his back pocket and proceeded to sit down. Poor bastard broke his iPod. Imagine going: my butt broke my iPod!

It's just sad. But hilarious to everyone else.

Making a mental note: never put your iPod in your jeans pockets. Because I'm quite sure my butt is up for the challenge. Yes, I have just bought an iPod nano. Since I will be leaving London soon, I figured I need a new toy to distract myself. It's red by the way.

Now I have two red things. A stapler and an iPod. Fabulous.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007


I know it's lame but I love ranting about tv shows. This week on Heroes: Mohinder made an ass of himself (oooh what else is new?). Mohinder plays classic villain = big talk + wasting time. Was I supposed to go "You da man!" when he finally caught Sylar? Well, if it takes you 18 episodes to finally do something right, you fail to impress me.

And Grandma Petrelli wants some action as well! Sly grandmothers, you don't get that often on tv. But we've pretty much seen all other characters. Ridiculously oblivious character the audience will love to thrash? Approved. Let's call him Mohinder. Asshole politician? Approved. Let's call him Nathan. The comic relief? Approved. Let's make them Japanese duo.

And on House: I'm extremely curious where Cameron learnt phlebotomy. If that's how they're doing it in America, sign me up for some courses! So, House and Cameron finally had some tongue action. Ten years from now, I'll be on my therapist's couch going, "I started banging my head against the wall when I saw this utterly disturbing scene on tv." And Wilson desperately needs to grow a pair. Why is he so desperate for House's love (okay, friendship)? Just take the man's cane and shove it up his ass! House has been asking for that since the David Morse arc.

By the way, I heard Hayden Panettiere is making an album. Step aside, Hilary Duff *angkat Hilary Duff campak dalam sungai* it's Hayden time!

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In the effort to keep a someone's confidentiality/privacy, it's standard to use Mr. X or Mrs. X. It's the same when writing up a patient's case history. If you use Mr. A, people might get suspicious and try to figure who the guy might be. And if you use two letters, they might get even more suspicious. A Mr. GH - hm, I wonder who. I wonder if I would marry a guy named X just so I could be called Mrs. X. She's Mrs. X, she must have some sort of superpower.

And imagine naming your kid X. This is my little man, X. Ex? Axe? Noooo, as in X-Men, or X-ray. He's already getting pummelled in the school playground and booking his one-way ticket to prison.

Speaking of superpower, my ever so normal looking lecturer has got one. Boy, was I fooled by her standard blue suit and pleasant appearance. 10 minutes into her Cytogenetics lecture, I discovered she has the ability to stop time. Nasty lady.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I came across the stupidest ad in the whole world. There was Patrick Dempsey flashing his standard I’m-such-a-stud smile (whatever) and the line: Worth Getting Sick For.

I said to my friend: Worth getting sick for?!? He’s a fucking brain surgeon!! That should mean you’re getting brain surgery to see him!! Why would anyone think it worthy?!? (Hmm maybe brain damage explains why anyone would fall for such an ad).

My friend said: Maybe they meant seeing him in the clinics. Or seeing anyone from Grey’s in general.

I felt like a complete dumbass who has nothing better to do than rant about some substandard TV show.

Not an hour later we came across Ellen Pompeo’s poster with the line: Love Is Inoperable.

It was all I could do not to run away screaming. Those dumbasses behind Grey’s Anatomy should die!! Die!! Die!!

Stupidest ads ever.

And I’m always right.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007


I'm known among my friends as a judgmental person and I have no problem with that. Now, this guy decided to call me evil because of it.

Aw, it’s so flattering. Don’t bother stating the obvious next time, just go ahead and build me an even bigger pedestal. Here is The Scale of Evil:

-2: My mother
0: Barney the purple dinosaur
2: Chucky, the evil doll
4: Saddam Hussein
6: Satan
8: Yours truly (muahahaha)
10: Dick Cheney (obviously)

Where do you belong?

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Saturday, March 03, 2007


A standard phone conversation with my mom goes like this:

Me: Hello, mak. How are you?
My mother: I'm just fine. How are you?
Me: Not too bad. How's everything at home?
My mother: Biasa saja. How are your studies?
Me: Can't complain. And your work?
My mother: Hm, apa yang lainnya?

So, who's mommy's girl?? Me, that's who! This is the person I lived with for 20 years resulting in my complete lack of ability to make proper conversation. I'm not blaming her. I love the fact that she's a person with few words.

She doesn't need to say everything. She stays awake until everyone has come home. She remembers the little things that are important to us. She cries. She hugs us all.

Now some people told me there's a show about a mother and a daughter in a sisterly relationship. Totally bitchin' they said. I have never seen the show but I would be horrified if my mother started acting like my sister. Mother and sister should stay in different zip codes, no, absolutely no overlapping.

But I decided to try bitching to my mother one day.

Me: *bitching about my firmmates which I will not elaborate here*
My mother: La, sabarla. Macam tu la nanti bila kau start kerja. You have to play by the rules.
Me: I can't do that! Mak, you don't get the concept of bitching.
My mother: What did you say??

We both pretended the connection was bad.

Happy birthday to you! I love you very much =)

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Friday, March 02, 2007


I must have bought more than 15 boxes of bran cereal in the last 5-6 months. I can't stop eating it, I just love that stuff. But when I was at Sainsbury's buying yet another box, I thought maybe one or two of the workers there might have noticed my pattern. If I were 20 years older, I would be the scary cereal lady with possible major bowel problem.


But I don't want to stop eating bran cereal. It makes me happy starting my day with cereal and cold milk. What can I say, I'm a simple person.

Yeah *roll my eyes*


Thursday, March 01, 2007


Why is the sun so shy lately? Come out and play!

I would so totally dig the idea of artificial sun.
